​How Deep is My Vacuum and Where Am I? (in German language)

1h 00m

​This webinar focuses on the importance of vacuum measurement technology and the use of gauges for the safe operation of systems and the optimization of processes.

Man climbs up a ladder in the clouds

What is the webinar about?

Without measuring pressure, it is impossible to know where it is. However, this is essential to ensure that a process can be optimally controlled and monitored. This webinar is about measurement technology in the vacuum world.

  • When should I measure vacuum? 

  • Which and how many types of gauges are there? 

  • When is which measuring device used? 

  • How do the gauges differ?

Learn more about how to use and apply gauges on any vacuum system! 

The art of mastering vacuum measurement technology is of considerable importance for the operational safety and process control of systems. It is often not just about being able to measure, but also about operating processes safely: Using the right gauges for the right purpose, installing and operating them correctly, arranging the right service and calibrating or adjusting them in good time.  
Our live session will provide a better insight into the various applications of the different measuring devices. This will be followed by a Q&A session in which our experts will answer your individual questions.


patrick walther aa4904fe-eea9-401f-b5c7-b04a13a9f347

Patrick WaltherHead of Product Management Instruments

sedrick njomou 60c69108-44c3-4aaa-944b-ef0cb14b4ecc

​Sedrick Njomou​Product Manager Instruments

Who should attend?

​​This webinar is directed at anyone who uses or wants to use one or more gauges, regardless of whether they have little experience or detailed knowledge in this area.​